Mira joined Elysian Bengals on January 12, 2018 at 3 years old. Mira is a beautiful Silver Spotted Tabby Her coat is exceptionally soft. with her beautiful dark, dense markings and impeccable tail she makes for one heck of a show stopper!
Radical Dreamers are a type of rebel group in the game Chrono Cross as well as a song "Radical dreamers without taking the jewel" in the game .The song plays only when you have reached the end of the game and achieve the best possible ending.
Thank You Joshua for this gorgeous girl!
HCM screened: Awaiting Results
pKD tested by UC Davis: N/N
PRA-b test: Awaiting results
Color Tested by: Awaiting results most likely A/- B/B C/cs D/D I/I
Pure for Spotting
Zen joined Elysian Bengals on January 12, 2018 at 3 years old. Zen is a G9 black silver spotted tabby. She is very loving and affectionate but independent at the same time .
Zen's name is derived from the Chrono Cross soundtrack. "Frozen Flame" is an legendary object in the game that you spend the first bit trying to reach. It's linked to time travel among other neat things in the game.
Thank You Joshua for this gorgeous girl!
Her legacy continues with
Rowan Silver Screen Debut (Retired Queen at Sakura Bengals)
Rowan Maverick by Design of Elysian (Current Queen)
HCM screened: Screened EQ on 6/20/2018 by Dr. Sophy Jesty
PK-Def tested by UC Davis: N/N
PRA-b test: N/N
Color: A/A B/B C/cs D/D I/I based on parentage and offspring produced
Pure for Spotting
Glitter: Carries for Glitter

Xanthe joined Elysian Bengals on December 7, 2017 at almost 3 months old. Xanthe is a beautiful G8 seal spotted lynx (tabby) point with a tan rosettes . Her coat is exceptionally soft and is nicely glittered. She has stunning blue eyes and adorable spots on her feet. Xanthe is very spunky, affectionate and curious. Xanthe's mother is a beautiful long and lean seal spotted lynx (tabby) point and her father is a handsome seal spotted mink (tabby) point.
Xanthe is named after the greek word for yellow. We liked the name before we knew she was Liberty Bengal's yellow collared girl. Xanthe also is named after Sister Xanthe, a character is the world of Warhammer. Her show name Red Whisper is also a reference to Warhammer. Red Whisper is a fallen angel We also wanted to pay tribute to her mother OasisBengals Scarlett Flare.
Thank You Jessica of Liberty Bengals for this gorgeous girl!
HCM screened: (To young to Test schedules for September 12) Both Parents screened in normal ranges 2017
PK-Def Tested via Optimal Selection: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optiminal Selection: N/PRA
Color Tested via Optimal Selection : A/A B/B cs/cs D/d
Long Haired Gene: Non carrier
Awaiting Marble Test
Glitter: Is Glittered
Rummi joined Elysian Bengals on January 12, 2018 at the age of 5 years old. He is a handsome glittered G8 seal silver spotted lynx (tabby) point. Rummi's mother is a seal silver spotted lynx (tabby) point.and his father is a seal silver spotted mink (tabby) point.. He is a sweet and friendly guy who loves to be talked to and pet.
His name is derived from Norse Mythology, Sessrumnir is the palace of the goddess of freya, as well as a ship also seen in mythology.
Thank You Joshua for this kind Boy!
His legacy continues with:
QGC Elysian Valhallan Ice Warrior (Currently Stud)
GRC Elysian Stardust of Sakura (Queen at Sakura Bengals)
Rowan Dark Winter of Sakura (Retired Stud at Sakura Bengals)
HCM screened: Screened Normal on 6/20/2018 by Dr. Sophy Jesty
PK-Def Test: N/N
PRA-b Test: N/PRA
Color Tested: Most likely A/A, B/B, cs/cs, D/D, I/i
Marble: Carries for Sheet Marble
Glitter: Is Glittered

Cutie joined Elysian Bengals on January 12, 2018 at 9 months old. Cutie is a beautiful brown (black) marble tabby Her coat is exceptionally soft and plush. She has beautiful eyes that are an iridescent teal around the pupil surrounded by a copper. her personality is to die for. Cutie is certainly a fitting name. She is affectionate, friendly, loves cuddles and will be your little shadow where ever you go.
Cutie is just the sweetest little big-eyed girl that you will ever meet, so naming her cutie only seemed appropriate. Although we focus primarily on silvers and spotted bengals, Cutie is a brown (black) marble tabby She has many positive attributes and thus her unexpected development has been very rewarding.
Thank You Joshua for this gorgeous girl!
Her legacy continues with:
Elysian Genestealer (Retired)
Elysian Genestealer's Kiss (Current Queen)
HCM screened: Screened Normal on 11/3/2018
PK Def Test via UC Davis: N/N
PRA-b Test: N/PRA
Color Tested by: Awaiting results most likely A/A B/B C/cs D/d
Marble: Is a Sheet Marble
Aeon joined Elysian Bengals on January 12, 2018 at the age of 4 years. He is a Black Silver Spotted Tabby. Aeon is a crowd pleaser. He faithfully follows you around and loves being pet. He is always happy to see you and will quietly talk with you.
Thank You Joshua for this sweet Boy!
His legacy continues with:
Elysian Genestealer (Retired)
Elysian Genestealer's Kiss (Current Queen)
HCM screened: Screened Normal on 11/3/2018
PK-Def tested: N/PK
PRA-b test: N/N
Color Tested: Most likely A/A, B/B, C/cs, D/D, I/i
Marble: Carries for Open Marble Pattern

"ELSA"12.20.2013 r. 7.10.2020
Elsa joined Elysian Bengals on January 12, 2017 at 4 years old. Elsa is a beautiful G9 Seal silver spotted/marble lynx (tabby) point with tan rosettes . Her coat is exceptionally soft. She has a fantastically friendly and affectionate personality. Her name is definitely fitting as she is a princess which includes sitting at the very top of the cat trees. Elsa's parents (which includes on stud Rummi) are both beautiful seal silver spotted/marble lynx (tabby) point.
As you may have guessed Elsa is named after Queen Elsa of Arendelle who is a fictional character in the Disney Movie Frozen. She famously is also know to sing Let It Go in the film as well.
Thank You Joshua for this gorgeous girl!
PROS: Strong Chin, Nice Chin to Nose Alignment, Vibrant Eyes, Medium Length, Thicker Tail, Rounder Ear Tips, Medium Whisker Pads
ALC Descendents:
Centerwall Asian Leopard Cats
Baghara-Sergura Khan of Kent
Kabuki of Millwood
Stoney of Hatfield ALC
Art Deco of Lionsmountain
Kibuki of Bengaline
HCM screened: Screened Normal on June 8, 2019 by North Carolina State University
PK-Def Tested via UC Davis: N/N
PRA-b Test via Base Paws and kittens via Optimal Selection: N/PRA
Color Test via Base Paws and testing kittens: A/A B/B cs/cs D/D I/-
Marble: Carries for Sheet Marble
Glitter: Carries for Glitter
COI: 24.7% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: ?

Vaaldir joined Elysian Bengals on June 5th, 2017. He is a handsome G10 Black silver charcoal spotted tabby. He has a nice medium length tail, dense body and a strong chin. His eyes are big, round and a golden yellow. but has an awesome electric blue around his pupil. he is a very observant and curious little guy. Vaaldir's mother is a beautiful Seal silver spotted lynx (tabby) point and his father is a handsome Black silver charcoal spotted tabby.
Vaaldir (traditionally Valdr and pronounced Vall-deer) is one of the many alternative names for the Norse God Odin. It means Ruler of heaven. Because he is named after Odin who is the All Father of man-kind and the gods we only felt it fitting to register his name as such.
Thank You Jamie of Naples Bengals for this kind Boy!
PROS: Dense, Muscular Body, Big, Round Eyes, Stronger Chin, wide nose, Smaller Ears, More Rounded Tips, Medium Length Tail, Thicker Tail, Pure for Spotting.
ALC Descendents:
Centerwall Asian Leopard Cats
Baghara-Sergura Khan of Kent
Kabuki of Millwood
Art Deco of Lionsmountain
Stoney of Hatfield ALC
Taro of Bundas
His legacy continues with:
Elysian Dark Genesis (Current Stud)
Elysian AngelofEcstasy (Current Queen)
HCM screened: Screened Normal November 4, 2019
PK-Def Test via UC Davis: N/N
PRA-b Test via UC Davis N/N
Color Test via UC Davis: Apb/a, E/E, B/B, C/cs, D/D, I/-
Marble Test via Christopher Kaelin, Stanford University Ta^M/Ta^M
Glitter: Carries for Glitter
COI: 26.6% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: ?
One of the first registered charcoals in TICA
2019 2x Best Cat in New Traits in TICA for the acceptance of the charcoal pattern effect

Vaaldir at 4 weeks Thank you Jamie for this handsome boy

Cortana at 9 months old Thank you Liz for this stunning girl!

Cortana joined Elysian Bengals on April 11th, 2017. She is a breathtaking G8 Black Silver charcoal spotted tabby. She is an amazing example of a bengal. medium length tail, beautiful markings, amazing personality...the list goes on and on. Her eyes are a golden yellow/green.. She is a very confident and affectionate constantly purring and kneading. She is definitely our little cuddle bug and just always happy and content. Cortana's mother is a beautiful black silver spotted tabby and her father is a handsome black silver spotted tabby as well as the son of RW SGCH Silverstorm The Maharajahs Cat
Cortana is the name of one of the crown jewels of the United Kingdom ergo her show name. It is dubbed the Sword of Mercy and often used for the coronation of kings and queens. Cortana is also from the U.K. so we felt her name was very fitting!
Thank You Liz of Silverstorm Bengals for this breathtaking girl!
PROS: Dark, Dense, Black Markings, Large, Round Eyes, Rounder Ears, Long and Lean body, Medium-Sized Whisker Pads
ALC Descendents:
Centerwall Asian Leopard Cats
Baghara-Sergura Khan of Kent
Kabuki of Millwood
Stoney of Hatfield ALC
Leapole of Newhorizon
Art Deco of Lionsmountain
Kibuki of Bengaline
Taro of Bundas
Abu of Obobtor
Her legacy continues with:
Elysian Dark Genesis (Current Stud)
Elysian Warped Kraken (Current Queen)
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 3, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at
CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Base Paws: N/K
PRA-b test via Base Paws: N/N
Color Test via UC Davis and Base Paws: Apb/a, E/E, B/B, C/cs, D/D I/I
Marble Tested via Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^b
Glitter: Carries for Glitter
COI: 34.5% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: ?

"CAYDE" 08.10.2018
Cayde joined Elysian Bengals on August 10, 2018 via C-section and retired October 28, 2021. He is our second homegrown and very handsome second generation outcross Seal Silver Marble Lynx (tabby) point. He has a beautiful open pattern, round blue eyes, Dense body, and a gorgeous profile. he is a very playful and curious little guy. Cayde's mother is a beautiful Brown (Black) Marble (tabby) 50% Bengal, 50% American Short Hair and his father is a handsome Black silver spotted (tabby) 50% Bengal and 50% Egyptian Mau. Cayde sports 50% outcross genetics and an impressive 6.3% Coefficient of inbreeding (COI)
Genestealer is not only a play on our outcross program but also follows our Warhammer theme. While his show name Genestealer is a type of cult that infects members of another species with its genotype in the universe, Arcadium is a Genestealer cult infestation.
PROS: Open Marble Pattern, Dense Body, Rounder Ear Tips, Medium-Sized Whisker Pads,, Nicer back skull, Good chin alignment, Diverse Outcross Genetics, Low COI
His legacy continues with:
Elysian Twisted Helix (Current Stud)
Elysian New Dawn of TheRhine (Current Queen at The Rhine Bengals)
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 4, 2021 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/K
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
Color Tested via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: A/A, E/E, B/B, cs/cs, D/D, I/i
Is MARBLE (by parentage and phenotype) Ta^b/Ta^b
COI: 6.35% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 38.1% via Optimal Selection
*Click on Cayde's picture for more pictures of him

Kythera joined Elysian Bengals on May 5, 2021, and is out of our Elysian Dark Genesis and Silverstorm Maharani. This pairing was long sought after. Rani is out of Silverstorm and JustWild lines which we have been eying up for a while and with the more unexpected retirement of Silverstorm Crown Jewels aka Cortana we were seeking to add more Silverstorm to our lines.
She is from a litter of two and is out first brown charcoal ever produced. She continues the legacy of incorporating Apb into our lines as well as our third cat that does not carry color point!
Kythera is a Brown (Black) Charcoal Spotted Tabby. She is very loving, affectionate, playful, and just a tad crazy so she will definitely make a perfect companion for Roka.
Kythera's call and show names are derived from the Warhammer Universe. She is named after a Harlequin troupe called Masque of the Veiled Path which is an inverse enigma. We thought this was perfect since Kythera was originally thought to be a silver charcoal and surprised us all. Her call name Antikythera (or Kythera for shor)t is named after an ancient artifact (typically called enigmas) thought be possibly be an ancient greek, hand-powered analogue computers.
PROS: Silky soft pelt, dark dense markings, round eyes, medium length tail, dense body, puffy whisker pads, back skull, forward tilted ears.
Sadly Kythera passed away 5.25.2022 after suffering an unexpected saddle thrombosis while also 7 weeks pregnant. While there was no good options for treatment and the veterinarian informed us we were doing everything right, we of course are deeply saddened by her passing and she will be dearly missed.
Thank you Kylee Baquero of BengalLily Cattery for participating in this dual pairing and raising Kythera.
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection:: APb/a B/B C/C D/D i/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^b
COI: ?% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 32% via Optimal Selection

Maeve joined Elysian Bengals on January 12, 2018 at 1 year old. Maeve is a beautiful black silver spotted tabby Her coat is exceptionally soft. She also has big round eyes, rounded ears, a dense body and a wonderful friendly and loving personality.
Maeve's name is Inspired by the game "custom made" with focus on being a free thinker.
Thank You Joshua for this gorgeous girl!
PROS: Dark, Dense Black markings, Large Round Eyes, Dense Body, Round Ear Tips, Medium Sized Whisker Pads, Strong Chin, Medium Length Tail, Diverse Outcross Genetics
Her legacy continues with:
Elysian Azana of SierraNVBengals (Current Queen at Sierra NV Bengals)
Elysian Twisted Helix (Current Stud)
Elysian Stormcast Eternal (Current Queen)
ALC Descendents:
Centerwall Asian Leopard Cats
Baghara-Sergura Khan of Kent
Stoney of Hatfield ALC
Kabuki of Millwood
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 4, 2021 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
PRA-b via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: A/A B/B C/cs D/D I/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^M
Glitter: Carries for Glitter
COI: 5.8% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 39.2% via Optimal Selection

"ECHO"09.27.2016 r. 12.30.2022 r
Echo joined Elysian Bengals on February 12th, 2017 at almost 4 months old. Echo is a beautiful G6 cool colored brown (black) spotted/marble tabby with a mixture of inky black rosettes and arrowheads. Her coat is tight knit and exceptionally soft. She has gentle but large feminine green eyes and adorable spots on her toes. She is very affectionate, confident and playful. Echo's mother is a beautiful long and lean seal spotted lynx (tabby) point and her father is a handsome brown (black) spotted/marble tabby.
Echo is named after Arc Trooper Echo a character seen in the animated Star Wars series. Starkiller comes from the original name Luke Skywalker was given by George Lucas. Ironically Echo doesn't really talk much.
Thank You Marie of Fractal Felines for this gorgeous girl!
PROS: Long, Lean and Dense Body, High Contrast, Tri Colored Rosettes, Short, Tight Knit Pelt, Wide Nose, Nice Chin to Nose Alignment, Slight Back skull, Large, Round Eyes, Green Eyes, Pure for Spotting
Her legacy continues with:
QGC Elysian Valhallan Ice Warrior aka Ragnarok
Elysian AngelofEcstasy aka Ecstasy.
GCH Elysian Stardust of Sakura (RIP 2021)
Elysian New Dawn of TheRhine aka Genesis
ALC Descendents:
Centerwall Asian Leopard Cats
Baghara-Sergura Khan of Kent
Stoney of Hatfield ALC
Taro of Bundas
Leapole of Newhorizon
Kabuki of Millwood
Art Deco of Lionsmountain
Taro of Bundas
Sir Noah Vanisle
HCM screened: Screened Normal March 28, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Parentage and Base Paws: N/N
PRA-b Test Via UC Davis and Base Paws : N/N
Color Test via UC Davis and Base Paws: A/a, E/E, B/B, C/cs, D/D i/i
Most likely Pure For Spotting
Glitter: Carries for Glitter
COI: 26.8% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: ?

"GENESIS" 04.15.2019 r. 12.30.2022
Genesis joined Elysian Bengals on April 16, 2019 when he was born here. He is an absolutely STUNNING Black silver charcoal spotted tabby. Genesis's mother is a beautiful Black Silver Charcoal Spotted Tabby and his father is a handsome Black silver charcoal spotted tabby.
Dark Genesis was named from our Warhammer theme. It is one of three periods in the dark Eldar history. Beings that Genesis will be an integral part of our silver charcoal program we also felt dark genesis make a whole lot of sense!
PROS: long, Lean Body, Big, Round Eyes, Stronger Chin, wide nose, blunt tail tip, thicker Tail, nice whisker pads, high contrast, dark dense markings
His Legacy Lives on with:
Elysian Stormcast Eternal aka Nali
CH Elysian Primal Vision aka Siri
Elysian Hive Mind aka Zala
Bengallily Inverse Enigma (RIP May 25 2022)
IW BW SGC Bengallily Mamba Sheikh
Elysian Sister Soul Vision aka Shamani
Sakura Argenis
ALC Descendents:
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 4, 2021 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-DefTest via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
PRA-b Test via via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: APb/APb, E/E, B/B, C/C, D/D, I/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin, Stanford University Ta^M/Ta^b (carries marble)
Glitter: Glittered
COI: 25.4% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 31.6%
Father of TICA's first ever Supremed Charcoal IW BW SGC Bengallily Mamba Sheikh who also is:
South East Region's 2022 BEST CAT OF THE YEAR
South East Region's 2022 BEST BENGAL OF THE YEAR
One of the first registered charcoals in TICA
2019 11x Best Cat in New Traits in TICA for the acceptance of the charcoal pattern effect
2023 Best Silver Spotted Charcoal Tabby Bengal of the Year (South East Region)
On Safari’s 2023 3rd place Best Alter

"OBSIDIA"08.10.2018 r. 6.5.2023 r.
Obsidia joined Elysian Bengals on August 10, 2018 and is our first homegrown queen. Obsidia is a second generation outcross black silver spotted tabby. She is very loving and affectionate but independent at the same time. She is 50% Bengal, 25% American Shorthair and 25% Egyptian Mau with a COI of only 6.35%
Obsidia's name is derived from the Warhammer Universe. We continued the Genestealer theme as well since her brother Cayde's show name is Elysian Genestealer. "Genestealers kiss" is a form of reproduction in Genestealers, a cult found in the universe. Obsidia is the homeworld of the Sable Swords Space Marine Chapter.
PROS: Dark, Dense Black markings, Fairly High Contrast, Round Eyes, Black Eyeliner, Tear Lines Dense Body, Wider Nose, Nice profile, Nice Ear Placement, Medium Sized Whisker Pads, Strong Chin, Diverse Outcross Genetics, Low COI, Minimal Tarnish
Her Legacy lives on with:
Elysian Hive Mind aka Zala (Current Queen)
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 3, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
PRA-b via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/PRA
Color Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: A/A B/B C/C D/D I/i
Marble Tested by Parentage: Ta^M/Ta^b
COI: 6.35% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 40.3% via Optimal Selection

"NUKA" 04.01.2021 r. 6.20.2023 r.
Nuka joined Elysian Bengals on October 17, 2021. He is our newest outsourced silver male from Elesha Hughes of Dream On Bengals in Georgia. He has an amazing straight profile, beautiful thick tail and many wild features all packed into a dense G7 body. He is a very affectionate love bug.
He is a beautiful Black Silver Spotted (tabby) out of some wonderful lines that focus on the early generation and wild type look such as GulfBeach and DreamOn Bengals as well as outcross lines from Rowan Bengals.
Tyranid Nekulli continues to follow our Warhammer theme. The Tyranid are a species within the Warhammer world and Nekulli is a small alien race of slender huminoid rogue traders within the Tyranids species.
PROS: Long lean, dense body, straight profile, long thick tail, strong chin, puffy nose leather, spotted paws, wild type
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 3, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection A/A, E/E, B/B, C/C, D/D, I/i
COI: ?%
Genetic Diversity: 36% via Optimal Selection
*Click on NUKA's picture for more pictures of him

"SOAHC"09.10.2018 r. 07.07.2023
Soahc joined Elysian Bengals on December 3, 2018 at 12 weeks old. Soahc is a third generation outcross black silver spotted tabby. She is very loving and affectionate but independent at the same time. She absolutely loves to sit on your shoulder.
Soahc's name is derived from the Warhammer Universe. "Gift of chaos"refers to the gifts Chaos Gods give to their beloved champions. Soahc is Chaos backwards.
Thank You Lori of Sakura Bengals for this gorgeous girl!
PROS: Medium Length Tail, Stronger Chin, Pattern Flow, No Rib Bars, Diverse Outcross Genetics, Minimal Tarnish, Nice top skull transition, Pure for Spotting
HCM screened: Screened Normal December 1, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/PRA
Color Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: A/A B/B C/cs D/D I/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^M
Glitter: Is Glittered
COI: 18.84% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 38.5% via Optimal Selection

"ZALA"1.1.2022 active queen at The Rhine Bengals as of 9.2.2023
Zala joined Elysian Bengals on January 1, 2022, and is out of our Elysian Dark Genesis and Elysian Genestealers Kiss. This pairing was essential for combining our outcross and charcoal lines and we are more than thrilled with the results of this wild type girl.
She is from Obsidia's third litter of six kittens this time all girls born on New Years. She continues the legacy of Genesis by incorporating Apb into our lines as well as our silver and outcross lines.
Zala is a Black Silver Spotted Tabby. She is a big girl who loves to play with her sisters, plastic bags and bubble wrap. She is a daddy's girl just like her mom Obsidia and loves being affectionate with my husband.
Zala's registered name Hive Mind continues to follow our Warhammer theme. Obsidia's line theme is about the Hive Mind. Zala's nae comes from Zazzala the Queen Bee in DC Comics with bees being a hive mind species.
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 3, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection:: APb/A B/B C/C D/D I/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^b
COI: 12.43% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 40% via Optimal Selection

"CTHULHU" 02.02.2021 active stud at The Rhine Bengals as of 9.2.2023
Cthulhu joined Elysian Bengals on February 2, 2021. He is our second homegrown and very handsome second generation outcross.
He is a beautiful Black Silver Spotted (tabby). he is monumental to the bengal breed sporting 50% outcross genetics (he is 50% Bengal, 25% American Short Hair and 25% Egyptian Mau), 34% Genetic diversity and impressive 11% Coefficient of inbreeding (COI).
We have waited four long years for this handsome boy. After three other litters of not producing a silver boy, I told Maeve ok whatever produce a boy for me as long as it's not brown I don't care and by some sheer luck, she produced not one but TWO for me to choose from.
You can read about his outcross story here
Twisted Helix continues to follow this lines' Genstealer Cult from Warhammer and outcross program theme. Originally Cthulhu's name was going to be Noan which is a third-generation genestealer. It seemed fitting. as he is a third-generation outcross, but his litter theme, I wanted to be epic since it was his parents' last litter together so we went with Epic Sea Creatures. We likes Cthulhu so much we kept it!
PROS: Big round eyes, dark dense markings, improved verticle, dense body, thick hearty tail, extremely affectionate, Diverse Outcross Genetics, Low COI
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 3, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection: N/K
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection A/A, E/E, B/B, C/cs, D/D, I/-
CARRIES MARBLE (by parentage) Ta^b/Ta^m
COI: ~6.07%
Genetic Diversity: 34% via Optimal Selection

"NALI"7.13.2021 active queen at The Rhine Bengals as of 10.2.2023
Nali joined Elysian Bengals on July 13, 2021, and is out of our Elysian Dark Genesis and Rowan Maverick by Design of Elysian. This pairing was long sought after, a pairing between our best silver girl and best silver charcoal male. The results did not disappoint.
She is from a litter of two and was actually born not breathing, we revived her and is known by many as Miracle Kitty. She continues the legacy of incorporating Apb into our lines as well as our silver and outcross lines.
Nali is a Black Silver Spotted Tabby. She is very spunky, loving and just freaking adorable. She loves to snuggle and play with her brothers.
Nali's registered name Stormcast Eternal continues to follow our Warhammer theme. Maeve's lien theme is Age of Sigmar and Stormcast Eternal comes from the immortal warriors from Azyr that wield the holy power of the storm.Nali's call name is derived from the sound made at the end of enterNAL.
PROS: Silky soft pelt, dark dense markings, round eyes, medium length, thick tail, partially broken tabby M, spotted paws, improvement on pattern from parents, rounder ears.
HCM screened: Screened Normal Jun 13, 2022 by Corrine Barker at Woodland Veterinary Referral in Athens GA
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection:: APb/A B/B C/C D/D I/-
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^M
COI: 15.65% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 36% via Optimal Selection

Ecstasy joined Elysian Bengals on April 15, 2019 and is our second homegrown queen. Ecstasy is a black silver Charcoal spotted tabby and one of the faces of the Charcoal Proposal to welcome the charcoal pattern effect into the show hall. She is very loving and affectionate with some very beautiful structure established and developing. The pairing between her parents Vaaldir and Echo carefully planned to establish a kitten just like her.
Ecstasy's call and show names are derived from the Warhammer Universe. She is named after The Angels of Ecstasy are a Chaos Space Marines warband devoted to the Chaos God Slaanesh. In addition her mother, Echo LOVES to have kittens so much so we often say she is in ecstasy.
PROS: Dark, Dense Black markings, Rounder Eyes, crisp white goggles, Wider Nose, Nice profile, Nice Ear Placement, nice Whisker Pads, Strong Chin, thick, medium-length tail, ALC round brown eyes
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 3, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: APb/a B/B C/cs D/D I/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^M
COI: 24.4% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 35.6% via Optimal Selection
2019 9th Best Kitten On Safari

Ragnarok joined Elysian Bengals on April 1st, 2018. He is our first homegrown and very handsome G7 Seal Silver Spotted Lynx (tabby) point. He has a beautiful straight profile, large round blue eyes, medium-length tail, and gorgeous rosetted pattern. he is a very playful and curious little guy. Ragnarok's mother is a beautiful Brown (Black) spotted (tabby) and our own girl Echo and his father is a handsome Seal silver spotted Lynx (tabby) Point, own stud Rummi.
Ragnarok is a type of battle vehicle following our Warhammer theme while his show name Valhallan Ice Warrior not only takes off of Norse mythology like his dad's name but also represents a group of soldiers also seen in the Warhammer universe.
PROS: Contrasted Rosettes, Dense, Muscular Body, Back Skull, Straight Nose Bridge, Medium Length Tail, Thicker Tail, Wide Nose, Large, Round Eyes, Tight Knit Pelt
HCM screened: Screened Normal October 4, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: N/N
Color Tested via Optimal Selection and Base Paws: A/A, E/E, B/B, cs/cs, D/D, I/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^b (carries for Marble)
COI: 24.8% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 32.5% via Optimal Selection
2020 SouthEast Region Best Sea Silver Spotted Lynx (Tabby) Point Bengal of the Year
2019 SouthEast Region Best Seal Silver Spotted Lynx (Tabby) Point Bengal of the Year
2019 Third Best Seal Silver Spotted Lynx (Tabby) Point Benga of the Year

Crya joined Elysian Bengals on December, 2022, and is out of our Elysian AngelofEcstasy and Sakura Twisted Fate.
She continues the legacy of Sakura Twisted Fate by incorporating the ALC tabby gene into our lines.
Siri is a Black Silver Spotted Tabby. She is a sweet smooshie girl, who loves to play with her sisters and younger siblings. She also is a snuggler. She is a very happy one for sure
Siri's registered name Primal Vision continues to follow our Warhammer theme. Her mom Soahc's line theme is about the Chaos power. Primal Vision not only refers to the Sisters of Primal Vision Chaos Cult but also our visions of silver bengals and APb inclusion in our program. Her true call name is Vegvisir which is the Nordic Compass also throwing nods to our path to silver and APb. Siri is the shorted name.
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
Color Test via Optimal Selection:: APb/a B/B cs/cs D/D I/i
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^M carries Pure for Spotting
COI: ?% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 35% via Optimal Selection
2023 On Safari 9th Best Adult

Siri joined Elysian Bengals on January 18, 2022, and is out of our Elysian Dark Genesis and Sakura GiftofChaos of Elysian. This pairing creates some of our most beautiful densely marked and highest contrasted silvers.
She continues the legacy of Genesis by incorporating Apb into our lines as well as our silver and outcross lines.
Siri is a Black Silver Spotted Tabby. She is a sweet smooshie girl, who loves to play with her sisters and younger siblings. She also is a snuggler. She is a very happy one for sure
Siri's registered name Primal Vision continues to follow our Warhammer theme. Her mom Soahc's line theme is about the Chaos power. Primal Vision not only refers to the Sisters of Primal Vision Chaos Cult but also our visions of silver bengals and APb inclusion in our program. Her true call name is Vegvisir which is the Nordic Compass also throwing nods to our path to silver and APb. Siri is the shorted name.
HCM screened: Normal December 1, 2022 by Peggy Sayer at CARE Charlotte NC
PK-Def Test via Optimal Selection: N/N
PRA-b Test via Optimal Selection: N/PRA
Color Test via Optimal Selection:: APb/A B/B C/cs D/D I/-
Marble Tested by Christopher Kaelin of Stanford University: Ta^M/Ta^b carries Marble
COI: ~20.4% via Bengal Data
Genetic Diversity: 37% via Optimal Selection
2022 On Safari Breeders' Choice Bengal Kitten with Best Eyes
2022 On Safari 6th Best Bengal Kitten (Steven Corneille)
2023 Best Black Silver Spotted Tabby Bengal of the Year (Southeast Region)